You don’t have to build the whole app, just your report, and then you need to 
tell GnuCash how to find it. (covered in the wiki) I’ve added reports others 
have built to a stock installation of GnuCash without issue. Note, some custom 
reports *might* require changes to GnuCash itself, but that would be entirely 
under your control in how you design the report. (you may find you’ll need to 
add something to the main app to make your report easier to code, but maybe not)

Note, Scheme is not for the faint of heart. All of the other GnuCash reports 
are written in Scheme so you should be able to access anything you need. The 
wiki has links to get you started learning in the custom report section.

If you are more familiar with Python I’d go the PieCash route, or Stephen’s 
route of a separate db.


> On Jan 22, 2020 w4d22, at 12:50 PM, Keith Fetterman 
> <> wrote:
> First off, thanks everyone for responding to my post about Sales Tax Report.  
> I really appreciate it.  It’s helped a lot.
> Adrien,
> I agree that editing the invoice lines is not really option, especially since 
> the customers receive the invoices.  You could include a standardized 
> location code on each line, but what a pain.  And, if a mistake was made, the 
> invoice would have to be unposted to change.  Based on everyone’s comments, I 
> now see that creating sub accounts for each tax table would grow considerably 
> if there were a lot of work locations with different tax tables.
> Stephen’s idea of a separate database is a good idea, especially when 
> customers have multiple locations.  Your idea creating a new report using 
> Scheme is interesting.  I didn't considered that because I haven’t written 
> custom reports before.
> Can you write a report using Scheme that can access invoices?
> Does writing a report in Scheme require GnuCash software to be built from 
> source? 

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