On 1/19/20 12:13 PM, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
> On 1/19/2020 2:07 PM, Stephen M. Butler wrote:
>> Just this quarter (starting 1 Jan 2020) the State of Washington added
>> some Idaho zip codes to its list of taxable zip codes.  These are for
>> houses in Washington State that get their mail via an Idaho post
>> office.  [ Note, Washington State is one of those that tax sales upon
>> the delivered to address. ]
> I think that legally, almost all do. But in the example you just gave,
> are ALL houses in these "taxable Idaho zip codes" in Washington? In
> that case you are lucky. In the more general case, those Idaho zip
> codes would also include houses that are in Idaho.
> Note that this is early days of enforcement of sales tax for mail and
> internet sales. Not yet time for cases to work their way through the
> courts of people claiming wrongfully taxed or states suing states
> because they argue the tax collected should be theirs.
> Michael D Novack 

Nobody in that zip code has ordered product yet.  So I don't know what
the "mailing address" will actually show.  If they claim their "mailing
address" is Idaho, I'll not collect. 

Now, I do a post process that looks at the address to figure out what I
should have collected (so I can split local codes that share a common
zip code).  Will be interesting to see as the business grows.

I do ship rather than visit.

Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
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