On 1/18/20 6:19 PM, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
> On 1/18/2020 5:25 PM, Keith Fetterman wrote:
>>   I need to file an end of year sales tax report to the state showing
>> the sales by tax code.  I created a tax table for each customer’s
>> city and assigned the entries to the customers. .....
> I'm going to ask you a scary question, Keith. How do you KNOW the
> customer's city/state for legal purposes? Are you keeping that data?
> The PHYSICAL location (city/state) as opposed to the city/state/zip of
> the post office that delivers mail to that location. Postal routes do
> NOT respect state boundaries.
> Of course you would be in good company with perhaps the majority of
> businesses making mistakes with addresses close to state boundaries.
> Michael 

Just this quarter (starting 1 Jan 2020) the State of Washington added
some Idaho zip codes to its list of taxable zip codes.  These are for
houses in Washington State that get their mail via an Idaho post
office.  [ Note, Washington State is one of those that tax sales upon
the delivered to address. ]

Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
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