El vie., 29 may. 2020 a las 1:01, Milo (<mi...@milotype.de>) escribió:

> > 28.05.2020., u 09:33, Daniel Mustieles García <
> daniel.mustie...@gmail.com> je napisao:
> > So here is the root of the problem :-)
> > You don't agree your team coordinator's criteria about translationsand
> ask us to override him.
> No, the root of the problem is the ignorance of the coordinator to
> respond/react whatsoever. Most of my translations – no matter if revised or
> completely new ones – have never been reviewed/commented or whatever.
> Please do take a look at my list of translations at
> https://l10n.gnome.org/users/milotype/ … none of them have ever seen the
> day of light!
> > Let me explain how this works with an example. In Spanish we have two
> options to translate the word "Folder": "Directorio" and "Carpeta". Log
> time ago we decided to use "Carpeta" instead of "Directorio". Some
> translators might not like this option, but since there is a team
> coordinator that has decided to use it, there is no more discussion about
> it. This is an internal decision we took in our team an i18n cannot
> interfere on it.
> Specific wording is NOT the main problem in this issue … but having
> coordinators who acknowledge better translations would be a much
> appreciated "feature". As probably everyone knows, language is not static –
> and not every translator knows the correct translation for specific terms.
> As an contra-example to Daniel's example: Gogo's translation for "Font" is
> "Slovo", which simply means a letter (alphabetic character). But the term
> "font" is a completely legitimate modern typographic term in Croatian (I am
> a typographer myself!).

Agree with you, but it's his decision... we cannot interfere in this

> In one of his response to my proposed change was:
> "… ali zbog dosljednosti se prevodi tako, zato jer je glupo sad
> prepravljati na desetke aplikacija i zajedničkih GNOME biblioteka koje
> imaju po par stotina tisuća izraza prijevoda.
> Zato da je sve ujednačeno a ne po pet naziva za istu riječ/radnju, to je
> zbunjujuće za GNOME korisnike posebno nove."
> Basically saying the following:
> "… but for the sake of consistency we translates it that way, because it's
> stupid now to redo dozens of applications and common GNOME libraries that
> have a few hundred thousand translation terms each.
> Just to keep it all the same and not have five names for the same
> word/action, as it's confusing for GNOME users, especially new ones."
> THAT IS a very poor approach to translating!
> > Also, i18n cannot decide whether a translator is valid or not: it
> depends on your team coordinator (basically because we don't know your
> team's policy and most of us don't speak Croatian ;-) )
> So what is the procedure to become a Commiter/Coordinator?

In one word: meritocracy. Unless you create a new translation team or
current coordinator in missing for a long time, is your team's leader who
can promote you to prrofreader, commiter or even coordinator.

> > If your team coordinator wants to use Ubuntu's terminology for Orca it's
> his own decision: it might be wrong or not, but i18n cannot say which
> option is correct. If you don't agree with it yuo have two options: assume
> it won't change and follow that policy or leave the project. Sorry if it
> sounds too hard, but it's what I think (and what I would do in your
> situation).
> No offense, but that is a very poor approach, as mentioned above.

No, it isn't. This is not a democracy. Think about Linux kernel's
development. I disagree with the way a part of the kernel is being
developed. Linus Torvarlds doesn't take into account my proposals nor
answers my emails. Should I propose override him and take myself his
current role? Think about it, it's the same case.

> > We could help you only if your coordinator was missing for a long time.
> His las commit in Gitlab was 2 months ago... ok, he won't be in top 10
> contributors ranking but at leas is not completely missing :-).
> He is not missing … but he simply does not the job he's supposed to do as
> coordinator:
> see paragraph "Being Responsive to Contributors" at
> https://wiki.gnome.org/TranslationProject/TeamCoordinatorResponsibilities

Again, we only see one side of the problem. We'd like to hear gogo's
version about this problem. I have not background about previous
conversations between gogo and you.

@gogo gogić <trebeln...@gmail.com> could you please give us your point of
view about this?

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