On Mon, 2012-06-18 at 18:57 +0200, Gil Forcada wrote:
> > However, The OpenConnect package lives outside GNOME git and its
> > translations are handed in Transifex. Its translation coverage is fairly
> > poor.
> If so, is there any reason not to move it to GNOME infrastructure?

Well, it's not a GUI package, doesn't even use glib, and it's not really
a part of GNOME. Putting it into GNOME infrastructure would be just as
much of a hack as my original suggestion, I think ☺

> I would not see much of a problem actually, could you point us to the
> actual po file that translators should translate? Just to see if there
> is a lot of work to do.

Currently 456 strings:


Thanks for the response.

Would you (or anyone) have any opinions on how best to do it, if I do go

Perhaps it makes most sense just to import a mirror of the upstream
openconnect git repo into GNOME? If I did that, what would need doing to
make sure it gets 'noticed' by translators when they're looking for
something that needs updating?

I note that even the evolution-activesync project doesn't appear on
http://l10n.gnome.org/module/ yet. Is that list maintained manually?


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