The OpenConnect VPN client exports a library, libopenconnect, which
handles the fun part of communicating with the server to authenticate.

This is used from the NetworkManager authentication dialog.

However, The OpenConnect package lives outside GNOME git and its
translations are handed in Transifex. Its translation coverage is fairly

This means that when you use NetworkManager-openconnect in a language
which is fully supported by GNOME, you *still* get to see untranslated
strings where they come from OpenConnect itself.

I'm pondering "artificially" importing the translatable strings from
OpenConnect into NetworkManager-openconnect, so that they get translated
by the GNOME translation teams and the GNOME user experience for these
languages is much better.

However, this is technically a trick — I'd be importing strings from
another package *outside* GNOME, which aren't used directly from the
GNOME package, only to "harvest" the translations and put them back into
the non-GNOME package.

Would that be considered acceptable?


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