
El dl 18 de 06 de 2012 a les 11:56 +0100, en/na David Woodhouse va
> The OpenConnect VPN client exports a library, libopenconnect, which
> handles the fun part of communicating with the server to authenticate.
> This is used from the NetworkManager authentication dialog.
> However, The OpenConnect package lives outside GNOME git and its
> translations are handed in Transifex. Its translation coverage is fairly
> poor.

If so, is there any reason not to move it to GNOME infrastructure?

> This means that when you use NetworkManager-openconnect in a language
> which is fully supported by GNOME, you *still* get to see untranslated
> strings where they come from OpenConnect itself.
> I'm pondering "artificially" importing the translatable strings from
> OpenConnect into NetworkManager-openconnect, so that they get translated
> by the GNOME translation teams and the GNOME user experience for these
> languages is much better.
> However, this is technically a trick — I'd be importing strings from
> another package *outside* GNOME, which aren't used directly from the
> GNOME package, only to "harvest" the translations and put them back into
> the non-GNOME package.
> Would that be considered acceptable?

I would not see much of a problem actually, could you point us to the
actual po file that translators should translate? Just to see if there
is a lot of work to do.

Thanks for caring about translations!


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Gil Forcada

[ca] guifi.net - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
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