On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 17:07, Kenneth Nielsen <k.nielse...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hallo all
> I thought I would chime in shortly on this slightly heated debate. I
> think we should realise that this is in fact 2 separate discussions.
> 1) Should we split up the files?
> 2) On which numbers should the criterion for the golden "supported
> language" badge be based?

It's not about badges. Personally I don't pay much attention to these
*-supported statuses. What I'm interested in is DL serving different
goals for different teams workflow and priorities. Possibly after
implementing git commit and DL merging different files for schemas/UI
in one resultant file we could go with different stats pages or
display options for total/UI/schemas like we do for documentation.
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