On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Thomas Thurman <tthur...@gnome.org> wrote:
> 2008/12/16 Simos Xenitellis <simos.li...@googlemail.com>:
>> I think it would be good to get the views of the people behind Wazobia
>> Linux, so that to give a chance to work upstream with GNOME for the
>> translations.
>> Is anyone already in contact, or is this task open?
> Nobody is in contact-- what I've posted is all anyone here knows, as
> far as I know.  distrowatch.com claims that Wazobia is dormant:
> http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=wazobia
> I'll try emailing one of the contact addresses and see what happens.
> Does anyone have an existing form letter that I can base it on?

Personally I would opt for an informal first email, just to elicit a
reply before going into details.
Wazobia Linux was released about 3 years ago,

Sample e-mail:

I am a member of the GNOME Translation Project (www.gnome.org) where
we translate the open-source GNOME Desktop Environment in over 160

I found your e-mail address from xyz.

We recently found out that GNOME has been translated to three Nigerian
languages by the Wazobia project, for Wazobia Linux.

I am trying to find more information about those translations in order
to help the GNOME translations for Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo.

Do you know who I should ask for more regarding the translations?
I am interested to find out if there are any newer translation efforts,
and work out how to add any existing translations in GNOME.


If direct contact does not bring a reply, then contacting through
other people that are involved in African languages L10n would be

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