On So, 2008-10-12 at 02:20 -0400, Thomas Thurman wrote:
> Ysgrifennodd Petr Kovar:
> > In the past, I was provided with some Recent Latin resource
> > consisting of examples of computer terminology, I'm also aware of Roman
> > Curia (or should I say Curia romana) publishing a lexicon for "modern
> > terms" from time to time, but personally I somehow doubt that it'd enough
> > for localization of something as extensive and as "technical" as GNOME.
> I've created a Wiki page:
>   http://live.gnome.org/Latin
> Feel free to change it around; this is only my idea of what it should 
> say.  I've started going through Metacity's .pot and identifying terms 
> we need (but only just started).
> Thomas

Hallo Thomas

If you are interested in identifying frequently occurring terms in
translations, I recommend you try out poterminology from the Translate

It creates a list of frequently occurring terms, by default sorted
according to frequency, so the most often used terms are at the top of
the file.

Keep well

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