Ysgrifennodd Petr Kovar:
> In the past, I was provided with some Recent Latin resource
> consisting of examples of computer terminology, I'm also aware of Roman
> Curia (or should I say Curia romana) publishing a lexicon for "modern
> terms" from time to time, but personally I somehow doubt that it'd enough
> for localization of something as extensive and as "technical" as GNOME.

I've created a Wiki page:


Feel free to change it around; this is only my idea of what it should 
say.  I've started going through Metacity's .pot and identifying terms 
we need (but only just started).


Thomas Thurman, tthurman at gnome, http://blogs.gnome.org/tthurman
You'd probably be better off using your bare hands than that thing!
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