Le jeudi 09 octobre 2008 à 21:54 -0700, Paul Norton a écrit :
> Greetings,
> I'm interested in participating in - or starting - a Latin translation
> team. I've attempted to contact the person listed as "interested" on the
> TranslationProject website but the emails now bounce (Mark Polo -
> MPoloN7 at Netscape dot net). I first tried contacting him six or eight
> months ago without getting a reply. I've completed the first four steps
> of the"checklist for starting a new team". My Bugzilla account name is
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". What now? 

There is already a "la" component in GNOME Bugzilla. Just attach your
translations to a new bug report, and ask for someone to commit them in
GNOME. As soon as the first file will be committed in SVN, we will
create the corresponding stat page on l10n.gnome.org.


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