On 27/09/2006, at 6:50 AM, Young Joo Pintaske wrote:

> I think I might have lost some part of this email thread, but couldn't
> locate them in the archive.
> I saw the Gnome Glossary website:
> http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gtp/glossary/
> and noticed an old colleague of mine who used to work in our group as
> the contact person.
> I'm not sure how this project originated back then. I'd like to  
> pass on
> the glossary tool that we use at Sun Globalization:
> https://g11nportal.sun.com/sungloss
> It requires user account which you can get immediately. You can find
> terms (English and translated into about 9-10 languages) for Gnome  
> there
> and export glossary for your language into a spreadsheet. I'd be happy
> to get your feedback on them and find a way to collaborate to  
> refine the
> glossaries.

Young Joo, at Wordforge (Pootle, Translate Toolkit etc.), we are  
currently working on expanding the Gnome glossary, refining both a  
1000 word and a much larger terminology file, plus an acronym file.  
It will be integrated into the Pootle interface, but will also be  
available from a translation memory server, and for download.

Would you like to work with us on this? Please post to the Pootle  
list <translate-pootle@lists.sourceforge.net> and/or come to the IRC  
channel #pootle on the irc.freenode.net server.

I also think it would be useful to integrate with Wiktionary to some  

BTW, the Sun glossary site has a bad certificate. :(

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm  
Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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