"Andy Falanga (afalanga)" <afala...@micron.com> writes:

> The strange thing now is, after the script exits, I then call "git 
> fetch" in the recipe.  I can see from the output of make that the remote 
> db is fetched.  However, when I call "git show 
> origin/rpm:path/to/rpm_build_num" from the makefile I get the *previous* 
> number.  Yet, as soon as the make process exits, I call "git show 
> origin/rpm:path/to/rpm_build_num" and it shows the correct number!

My bet would be that you are running the commands in two different
repositories. Try running

  pwd && git show origin/rpm:path/to/rpm_build_num

In the Makefile and after make completes, and check that pwd returns the
same thing. Also, to avoid getting the issue you previously had, try

  cd $(pwd) && pwd && git show origin/rpm:path/to/rpm_build_num


> Is there some sort of strange file caching that happening
> when make starts that, although the local db is updated, I don't get
> what I'm after?

Git can keep information either in RAM, hence not shared between git
invocations (so running git within or outside the Makefile wouldn't
matter), or on disk, but then inside or outside the Makefile doesn't
matter either.

Matthieu Moy
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