"Andy Falanga (afalanga)" <afala...@micron.com> writes:

> After the line calling increlnum is executed, I often have issues with 
> make unable to spawn the next command because it can't read the current 
> directory info.

This may happen if you delete the current directory, even if your
re-create it afterwards. For example:

/tmp/test$ rm -fr /tmp/test && mkdir /tmp/test
/tmp/test$ touch foo
touch: cannot touch ‘foo’: No such file or directory
/tmp/test$ cd /tmp/test
/tmp/test$ touch foo   

This is unrelated from Git, but maybe you asked Git to delete a
directory (by switching to a branch which doesn't contain a directory
for example).

> If I do: cd .. && cd -; all is well.

This is a typical symptom of the issue above.

Matthieu Moy
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