
I'm using git version  I have a process for building RPMs in my 
repository.  The RPMs are versioned using a "build number". In order to 
maintain uniqueness for this build number, I have stored this number to 
a file which exists on only a unique branch.

The build process, for an actual release, is intended to be done by 
branching on a tag.  During that process, a BASH script is called with 
checks out "rpm", fetches the repo from remote, merges with origin/rpm, 
increments the number and pushes back to origin.  It then returns the 
branch to the original branch in which the script was called.  The make 
recipe looks like this:

     make clean
     cd ../..  && ../tools/increlnum && cd -
     if [[ $(TAG) = ......... ]]; then \
         git checkout -b rpm_build_$(TAG) $(TAG); \
     make rpm RPM_BUILD_NUM=$(shell git show rpm:./rpm_build_num)

After the line calling increlnum is executed, I often have issues with 
make unable to spawn the next command because it can't read the current 
directory info.  Make stops with errors and I'm done.  I have the branch 
name displayed in my PS1 prompt.  I've noticed that, when make errors at 
this point, the branch isn't displayed.  It's as if the index has become 
unstable (or something similar).  If I do: cd .. && cd -; all is well.

What is the problem (I'd really like to understand) and what might I do 
to correct it?


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