On 06/28/2016 09:17 AM, Matthieu Moy wrote:
> "Andy Falanga (afalanga)" <afala...@micron.com> writes:
>> After the line calling increlnum is executed, I often have issues with
>> make unable to spawn the next command because it can't read the current
>> directory info.
> This may happen if you delete the current directory, even if your
> re-create it afterwards. For example:
> /tmp/test$ rm -fr /tmp/test && mkdir /tmp/test
> /tmp/test$ touch foo
> touch: cannot touch ‘foo’: No such file or directory
> /tmp/test$ cd /tmp/test
> /tmp/test$ touch foo
> /tmp/test$
> This is unrelated from Git, but maybe you asked Git to delete a
> directory (by switching to a branch which doesn't contain a directory
> for example).
>> If I do: cd .. && cd -; all is well.
> This is a typical symptom of the issue above.
Thank you for the insight: very interesting.  After asking another 
colleague how he solved this issue, I've re-written my increlnum script 
to, instead of working within my working tree, clone a temporary of this 
one branch only.  Then, it increments the number and pushes back to the 
origin.  Once completed, the temporary clone is deleted.

The strange thing now is, after the script exits, I then call "git 
fetch" in the recipe.  I can see from the output of make that the remote 
db is fetched.  However, when I call "git show 
origin/rpm:path/to/rpm_build_num" from the makefile I get the *previous* 
number.  Yet, as soon as the make process exits, I call "git show 
origin/rpm:path/to/rpm_build_num" and it shows the correct number!  What 
gives?  Is there some sort of strange file caching that happening when 
make starts that, although the local db is updated, I don't get what I'm 


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