On Sun, 15 Sep 2019 at 07:24, Pratyush Yadav <m...@yadavpratyush.com> wrote:
> On 15/09/19 01:57AM, David wrote:

> > I can't say it strongly enough. Please do not change stage/unstage
> > to require double-click. This would be most unwelcome here, unless it
> > comes with a configuration option to preserve the old behaviour.
> >
> > Maybe the actual problem is that the present icon (perhaps surprisingly)
> > has the behaviour of a blank check-box that relocates. I don't wish for
> > any change, but if the desire for change is irresistable then the
> > simplest solution is for the icon (that appears to the left of filenames
> > in the unstaged pane) to be replaced with blank check box that
> > behaves exactly as the current icon does. That is:
> > When clicked, it becomes a checked-box alongside the filename in
> > the staged area. And if that staged-checked-box is clicked, it reverts to
> > an unchecked-box (instead of the icon) in the unstaged pane.
> Hmm, I like this idea. But right now the icons also show the state of
> the file (modified, added, etc.), so if you switch them to a checkbox
> you lose that information. Are you and other people willing to lose that
> information.
> Though I've personally never been a huge fan of those icons. They never
> really managed to convey too much meaning to me. So I won't mind
> changing them to something like the single-letter git-status status
> flags. This also gives us a bit of consistency with git-status's flags,
> so people used to the command line will recognize them instantly.
> Thoughts?

Ah, this is hilarious and embarassing. It confirms what I wrote in my other
  Some days I have good ideas, other days my ideas
  have flaws that I missed, so I like to discuss first.

ie, Some days I'm an idiot! I completely forgot about those other icons!
I like them! In particular, the one that indicates removed files, and
the special one that indicates when a committed file has been replaced
by a symlink, or vice versa, are very valuable to me.

I don't really want any of this to change. I only suggested the change
because I didn't want to appear totally negative. So I tried to come up
with an alternative suggestion. But it was a dumb proposal.

So dumb in fact that I'm now arguing against it :(
Oh well :D
Anyway, I'm a fan of those icons, please don't change them.

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