On Sat, 14 Sep 2019 at 08:07, Marc Branchaud <marcn...@xiplink.com> wrote:
> On 2019-09-13 10:32 a.m., Pratyush Yadav wrote:
> > On 13/09/19 12:24PM, Allan Ford wrote:

> >> Not a bug, but a suggestion consideration for “Git Gui”

> >> Can a double click on the file name in the “unstaged” area move the
> >> item to “staged changes” .. (rather than having to click on the small
> >> icon to the left of the file name?)

> > It has been something on my radar for some time. Shouldn't be something
> > too difficult to do.

> > While I like the idea in general, I have a question that I'd like to ask
> > other git-gui users:

Thank you for asking.

> I've always felt this was a bit of user-experience failure on git-gui's
> part.  Single-click should not behave differently just because you click
> the icon.

> I've seen many new git-gui users find this (mildly) confusing.

I acknowledge that consistency is an important aspect of GUI design.
Particularly for new and/or low-competency users. But surely
efficiency must also be valued too. Repetitive strain injury is not
nice. I have some days where I have hundreds or possibly even
thousands of such single clicksto stage and unstage items. Currently
it is possible to review and accumulate them efficiently due to how
that pane responds.

And this seems a very small aspect to learn. if a person is so
"confused" by such a small thing to learn, I wonder what hope they
would have to comprehend git itself.

> I'd be happy if the click behavior was consistent across the entire
> row: single-click to select,
> double-click to stage/unstage
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please, no.

I can't say it strongly enough. Please do not change stage/unstage
to require double-click. This would be most unwelcome here, unless it
comes with a configuration option to preserve the old behaviour.

Maybe the actual problem is that the present icon (perhaps surprisingly)
has the behaviour of a blank check-box that relocates. I don't wish for
any change, but if the desire for change is irresistable then the
simplest solution is for the icon (that appears to the left of filenames
in the unstaged pane) to be replaced with blank check box that
behaves exactly as the current icon does. That is:
When clicked, it becomes a checked-box alongside the filename in
the staged area. And if that staged-checked-box is clicked, it reverts to
an unchecked-box (instead of the icon) in the unstaged pane.

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