On Sat, 14 Sep 2019 at 06:51, Bert Wesarg <bert.wes...@googlemail.com> wrote: > On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 4:32 PM Pratyush Yadav <m...@yadavpratyush.com> wrote: > > On 13/09/19 12:24PM, Allan Ford wrote: > > I miss a general problem description: Whats wrong with the > single-click on the icon to begin with?
No problem here, but see my other message for further thoughts. > I consider adding a second way as not not acceptable. I also consider > double-click on a file in a GUI an "open" action. Yes! In fact, I've often fantasized how useful it would be that if I double clicked on that file name in the unstaged pane or the staged pane, then that would open the file for editing in my preferred/configured editor. Now for me *that* would be a very frequently used improvement! I wonder what other readers think about this idea?