On 2/24/20 3:55 PM, n952162 wrote:
what do you see 5G providing that 4G couldn't deliver?
On 2020-02-21 00:38, james wrote:
5G CAN change everything! Gentoo should blaze the open source pathway
of contributions and WE all should dream, build and get control of our
country back!
5G may be our last chance before Satan rules via consolidating all the
large governments! 5G is our last chance, imho, for citizens to get
control of their respective countries back. Stand or die, as the
plagues of the last days, are just around the corner. Gentoo saves the
world? Sound like a good movie for someone to make.....
That is simple and complex.
simple more bandwidth, lower latencies in the silicon,
and many advances that are hard to leverage with 4G limitations.
Complex answer. There is a technical war afoot, as to the plethora of
advanced capabilities in the 5G chipsets, the rules of usage for 5G, and
the fact that several orders of magnitude increase in the number of
antennae needed alone, will cause an explosion of entrepreneurial
activity, a vast diversity of hardware
and many new 'sub_methods' to modulate bits around, legally.
That's one of the reason our govt. will exclude china from this
activity, at least on US soil.
Asynchronous, multi-path Rf is just one aspect I'm working on. It's a
feeding freenzy for technologist,
both hardware,software and even bio-centric devices.
Nefarious activities, like unauthorized injection, are but one boon for
those with illicit intentions. Be aware, be strong, and get ready to
secure you signals,
all of them.
Gentoo folks should be leading on this, cause 5G can be implement is a
small number of cars, just driving down the road. Build it in
milliseconds, deploy and have fun
tear down, and rinse-repeat, with different security semantics.
The greater Dallas area is already on fire with activity
leaving Calif. behind in the dust, cause they build the hardware in a
myriad of non-disclosed vendor haunts....
Rock and Roll, brother!