On 2/20/20 7:28 PM, Dale wrote:
james wrote:
On 2/20/20 5:23 PM, Dale wrote:
james wrote:

Reading that Samsung is interested in this makes me glad I bought a
Samsung cell phone.� :-D� While nervous about this sort of thing,
I might brick the thing, it is interesting and something I would
consider when the time is right.

Agreed; totally. That's the hint, new releases of the latest cell
phones, that are flexible, particularly with groups. Developing a
gentoo base, with their help, is a win-win. Just look at where CoreOS
(a gentoo derivative) ended up. Big business, and now trying to save
IBM from themselves. Of coarse Redhat is dropping very fast in
popularity as a linux distro, cause they now see the power of gentoo.
But they did continue with systemd,
which is another 'can of worms'.

There is a recent 'spat' between Samsung and Google on kernel
sources... that is an interesting read; ymmv. What the result is; is
that Samsung is reaching out directly to the hard core linux community
(that's gentoo folks), although not directly credited (as usual). It's
a short read.


I got backed into this because of my history (I actually put GTE on
the commercial internet back in 1990, as� Florida's fist ISP
CFTnet.com..... Lots of dead bodies...

Now, I'm a 5G activist, so that telcos become merely non-exclusive
bandwidth providers and only the less informed use them for mobile
software stacks.....� We'll see, I may get shot, but I'm old and just
tired of the bullshit of the carriers, the F_fed idiots and all of
those punks with nefarious intentions. Time to stand up, ymmv.

I think 'doctor trump' is ready to return the freedom and control of
the airwaves, back to the citizens. The swamp really, really smells
bad and is rotten to the core.

Who is this DALE you mention?� Just curious since that's my name
and I'm
on a tractor, when arthritis allows it.

Yep, that was (you) I referenced, with just one pseudo use case of
multiple gentoo cell phones acting in a mobile cluster. I hope I did
not insult your countenance.....?

Like it or not, you seem to find bugs and flaws that most of us miss.
Besides with 4 cell phones, you could have an audio reproduction
system that is 3 dimensional, and custom graphical tools, not
purchased from a farm equipment dealer but hacked together many
internet folks.

Folks like you, are the poster child for what 5G is all about. The
carriers think it's an opportunity to extort more money from the US
citizens.� Let's build our own secure networks, cheaply, and use the
carriers as but one option to move bits. Carriers should not have ever
been allowed to dictate and control communications. Dig ditches, lay
fiber and connect to a myriad of equipment, controlled by others, is
what carriers *should* be focused on.

5G is an opportunity for a real communications revolution and GENTOO
needs to be right in the middle of the birthing of real communications
freedom.� Multi-path links and 5G hardware, will allow the citizens to
control their secure communications. Very likely to be the biggest
issue, in the 2024 election, republican or democrat, as we all have
the right to completely secure communications, as much as we have the
right to consume oxygen from the atmosphere!


:-)� :-)

WE rig you up, you just might have to ride that tractor to DC, so
folks see that this pending communications revolution is about
empowerment of the masses. Lots of street parties along the way;
that's my hope (and prayer). an old fashion 'hippi music festival in
each town.

99.9� percent of classified material is bullshit. It's� a ruse; just a
tool of economic competition and exclusion, for the LARGE� vendors to
have exclusive, non competitive access to do work for the government,
without small vendors having a shot.

5G CAN change everything! Gentoo should blaze the open source pathway
of contributions and WE all should dream, build and get control of our
country back!

5G may be our last chance before Satan rules via consolidating all the
large governments! 5G is our last chance, imho, for citizens to get
control of their respective countries back. Stand or die, as the
plagues of the last days, are just around the corner. Gentoo saves the
world? Sound like a good movie for someone to make.....

Be blessed,

Yea, I'm good at finding a bug.� My recent experience with a stage3
tarball shows that.� After several tries, I came to the conclusion that
the stage3 tarball is basically worthless.� I unpacked it, copied over
the new tree, no need downloading a new one when I have one, then tried
to update it with the default USE flags the stage3 provides.� Right at
the start, I ran into a circular dependency and some blocked packages.
No matter what I tried, including posts on how to get around it, it
never would upgrade.� I just wonder if anyone else is running into the
same issue.� I ended up copying my OS over to the new build location and
using it.� It works.

I like open source stuff.� I've never "bought" a OS for any computer
I've ever had.� One reason I bought my� Samsung cell phone, Linux.
Before that, I had a Motorola Razr.� I'd still have it if not for the
charge port getting worn out.� I could no longer charge the phone
reliably.� I have a Samsung monitor, Linux; LG TVs, Linux again.� If I
can find something that runs Linux that I need, it's my first choice.
Look in the owners manual in the last few pages.� It usually mentions
the Linux kernel if its running Linux.

Yep, I'd love to Gentoo head down this path.� Someone posted a link to a
image that shows all the offshoots of Gentoo.� It's quite a lot.� That
was years ago.� I'm not sure if more have been added or not.� If Gentoo
shut down and deleted the tree, a lot of people would be lost. It would
also take a lot of people to pick it up and get it going again, if it
can be done.

I'm not offended at all by the mention of my name.� I just thought maybe
someone named a tractor brand after me.� ROFL

Oh, having my own OS on my phone would also mean I could uninstall those
apps I don't want or need.� Some can't be uninstalled since they are
"required" even tho they show never being used, ever.


Well, I finally found a comprehensive lists of linux oriented cell phone work, in open source



under the 'partner projects' is a listing by distro. Most of the major linux distros are not listed. Since Gentoo Embedded has such a rich history of one-off devices and partial gentoo stacks, I'm just shocked WE are not listed there.

I'll see what I can do about that, cause::

" Powered by the same Quad-Core ARM Cortex A53 64-Bit SOC used in our popular PINE A64 Single Board Computer, the PinePhone runs mainline Linux as well as anything else you�ll get it to run."

This will just give me more evidence why samsung should work with us too.

I'm a bit shocked, and very excited, none of the gentoo folks have blazed this trail!

They are even clustering the these phone:


My vision was more of a generic cluster, where any embedded linux phone (most?) could just join/run/exit a cluster for a myriad of reasons. USB-4 would be a better interface than a 'buss', imho.

Multi-path-asynchronous routing can lead to awesome
security semantics...... and clustered phones with services different vendors, would just be sooooooooo

Stay tuned and remember, just one extra 12VDC battery,
like the optima series, would be quiet capable of interfacing to solar panels and running that cluster on a tractor in a parade, or just replacing fancy/expensive vendor equipment software that gives a tractor advanced controls capabilities with the attachments......

piss on Deer, Case and the rest. WE do not need them anymore, except to service warranty issues.


viva gentoo....

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