On 2/29/20 4:44 AM, Wols Lists wrote:
On 26/02/20 03:10, james wrote:
I'm just not convinced that our USA government continuing to "sell
bandwidth rights", is constitutional?

Problem is, if bandwidth is "opened to all" the reality in the past
would have been a free-for-all leading to a major tragedy of the

Agreed. but now, there are plenty of technologies, software systems and RF testing gear to ensure the bandwidth channels can be "shared" robustly and there implement a vastly better efficiencies (bits/s/bandwith); than the current models of exclusive license for a one time pop of money to the government. Just like Oxygen, we all have the rights to the RF spectrum, imho. A one time sale, particularly when analyzed, decades later, is a gross miscarriage of justice, imho.

I hope somebody finds this (with better searching fu) handoff-visualizer, to track Rf signals via mobile cells
and a gentoo lappy.

It's a signal/comm-channel handoff graphic tool....




If somebody cannot find it in a overlay, I'd be willing to take it over and update, on an overlay....

It'd really help remote campers to find signals, when backpacking in the mountains or even hills. Adding an altimeter data input and getting the devs to go '3D' with this rendering, would also help folks home-building UAVs

Much like we're seeing in space and low-earth orbit now. If
we're not *very* careful, soon we will not be able to launch low-earth
and geo-synchronous satellites, because there'll be a massive debris
belt that will destroy satellites within a few years.

Some experts are say that we're all ready on that coarse. Space vessels to capture, collect and then send into deep space, our current cadre of commercial/military space junk. I think they'll do this, but send the space garbage directly to our sun, just burning up and adding to the total mass of the sun. Here is the real twist. Global corporations, are standing up claiming rights to space rights, on behalf of nations that are very technology poor. The next few wars will most likely sort out rights, i.e. First to deploy-use, will get the rights, regardless if its a gov or corp, or group, like the HAM-operators, imho.

The new high-frequency bandwidths I'm not too worried about - like
low-earth orbit stuff there will decay into the atmosphere and
self-cleanse over 30-40 years - high frequencies don't travel far - but
where there is the likelihood of interference some sort of regulation is

YES YES, but who is the arbiter with final say? The guys with the best missile technology, that's who, from a pragmatic point-of-view.

Do you really want your home network to collapse in a heap every time
your neighbour jacks up his power because your network is causing his
home network to collapse in a heap?

With all due respect, as an EE_rf guy, it's already solved by who has the best technology. That is scan and avoid the bands/protocols being used. Less and less technically (Rf) astute folks want to work for any government.....

Random 'bit-burst' over a multitude of frequencies is not hard to do and solves this scenario, at least for the technology superior Rf types. Consumers and idiots are at the mercy of the Rf mercenaries (whom are always a decade or more ahead what is legally possible). ymmv.

(That's why my home network is
mostly cat-5 or ethernet-over-power :-)

Good for now. However, there are Rf sniffers that can pick up the signals from those aforementioned signals, quite easily. It use to be james_bond sort of stuff, but now it is cafeteria.

 Fiber should replace both of those, pretty soon.
Routers where various types of connectors for both multi-mode and single-mode fiber, are pretty cheap, if you know where to look. If you build new, put pvc conduits in the roof and walls, so you have ample & hidden pipes. That way it's pretty trivial to pull the fibers later, for pennies.



5G-multipath supersedes all of this, where the algorithms that implement the multi-path, are 'walk-once' or pseudo-walk-once. Upgrading multipath to Asycnronos-multipath, is still in the development phases, or folks are not publishing details....No way the brightest fed/mil hacks can stop this, as they will not even know where it is, who is doing it and how to monitor it, in RealTime. Make it mobile, and how the elite hackers go and do whatever they want, whenever they want, clandestinely.

Several vehicles with links between and cellular bandwidth, can hop around a city, clandestinely and there is nothing our most sophisticated law enforcement can do, currently. There stuck buying commercial gear that is decades old in capability. The average cop, or intellectual at the FBI is able to wheel-deal with this stuff? Are you kidding me? Add to that the fact that these 'kids' hate most governments, due to their sell-out to mega-corps, the war is already afoot. Our last hope, imho, is if the US government returns to the fundamental christian value system, that made our country great. Greed, un-bridled, is changing the quality of our lives, regardless of your personal belief systems.

Besides those few and fleeting technical folks are bailing on the US and every major company they work for, cause there is an economic 'feeding frenzy afoot'.

Lawyers, Legal-type and the Lazy-wealthy, are on a crash coarse to be relegated to irrelevancy. A few more proxy-wars, and the public (now being massively educated) are simply going to ignore, bypass and hide from regulators. To stay secure, that is the only, current, pathway forward. If you knew just how corrupt, our evil, leaders and owners are, at the major carriers, it would make your skin crawl....

Half of the tech-kids inside the US DoD are already running things and getting ready to boot the old-corrupt general-politician types OUT, by exposing their corruptness. Trumps takes credit, but the real story is the young, elite hacks are going to be running the world, shortly. Just look at the myriad of new financial, digital coins in their infancy (bit-coin et-al).

Gentoo, as a technology, is just one enabler, of this silent revolution. Gentoo is the only pathway forward I see, to protect my assets, beside what is called 'hard assets'. Gentoo has a great, honest, trustworthy history, and most software stakes cannot make that claim.

Secure your bits....... and pray that Gentoo attracts the brilliant youth to join us, so people have hope, inspiration and return to being kind and generous to each other.


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