On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 1:14 PM, Kai Krakow <hurikha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Am Sun, 30 Apr 2017 12:36:03 -0700
> schrieb Jorge Almeida <jjalme...@gmail.com>:

>> The warnings don't bother me that much, I just feel they are Bad
>> Policy. Enabling cgroups would add unnecessary complexity to the
>> kernel configuration, if only a bit.
> On the other hand, if such warning weren't there, it would make
> installing full-featured systems more difficult. And any experienced
> Gentoo user can decide on her/his own how to react to such warnings.
> I like to have such warnings in. It gives me hints what I like to have
> and what not and gives me the opportunity to improve my knowledge by
> researching on that warning.
> An improvement could maybe be made: Such warnings could tell links into
> the Gentoo wiki for further information on that topic.

Yes, positive warnings would make the difference:
"Your kernel lacks support for cfoo. You can use this package but
feature bar will be disabled. See

As opposed to:
"Your kernel lacks support for cfoo. You absolutely must enable cfoo,
everybody knows that, what were you thinking?! Do the right thing or



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