
it's possible to use htop without the cgroup config in your kernel, but htop is 
able to display cgroups (which it obviously isn't able to if those aren't 
enabled in the kernel), so emerge throws this warning. If you don't want to 
display your cgroups in htop you don't need to change anything.


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-------- Original Message --------
On 30 Apr 2017, 18:26, Jorge Almeida wrote:

emerging htop yields this message:
* CONFIG_CGROUPS: is not set when it should be.
* Please check to make sure these options are set correctly.
* Failure to do so may cause unexpected problems.

Gee, I can use top without cgroups support. I thought I might use htop
as well. Anyone knows why I _should_ use a kernel with cgroups
support? Just curious, not a big deal. I can do without htop if I

(I'm not suggesting that cgroups doesn't have valid use cases. But a
graphic version of top? Really? Please help me to understand. I want
to do the _correct_ thing, and I wouldn't want my dog to die for lack
of cgroups support.)


Jorge Almeida

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