Am Mon, 1 May 2017 16:01:13 +0100
schrieb Jorge Almeida <>:

> On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 2:46 PM, Rich Freeman <> wrote:
> > On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 4:17 PM, Kai Krakow <>
> > wrote:  
> >> Am Sun, 30 Apr 2017 10:33:05 -0700
> >> schrieb Jorge Almeida <>:
> >>  
>  [...]  
> >>  
> >
> > Honestly, I can't think of why you wouldn't want to use it.
> >
> > The use cases of killing orphan processes and managing resources at
> > a service level have already been mentioned.  
> I don't usually have orphan processes (that process 1 doesn't reap).
> My services don't require fine tuning re resources.

This doesn't really qualify, because in the end, everything would be
reaped by PID 1... I spoke of the cases where an emerge build phase
left orphan processes floating around. I don't want them, even when
(not if) PID 1 kills the process at last. This also affects the
shutdown phase because the filesystem cannot be cleanly unmounted then.
You really don't want that. It results in funny effects with some
combinations of boot loaders and file systems (e.g. XFS and grub, grub
may see zero-size files then, and everything is back to normal after a
clean mount).

Also, stopping daemons in OpenRC without cgroups often leaves services
in limbo state, partially shutdown but still orphans running. This can
often result in all sorts of (not so) funny effects (besides the one
mentioned above). If someone runs apache servers with PHP shopping
softwares, she/he knows what I mean: such PHP software with so-called
integrated "background services" seems to happily spawn processes
ignoring SIGTERM, probably even double-forking, resulting in unstoppable
services: OpenRC stops the master, master exits, orphan process is
re-parented to PID 1, you try to start the service: boom, doesn't work.

Tho, in systemd you can easily escape the cgroup by doing "su -" or
something similar which moves the process into a different session
context. This also affects OpenRC because it can't catch such funny
maneuvers. "su" is really not a thing to use in init scripts or bash
scripts initializing daemons. :-(

> > Another use case is that the kernel automatically takes cgroups into
> > account when scheduling.  So, if one of your services launches a
> > bunch of children they'll be weighted together when allocating
> > CPU.  That means that a service with ten threads won't get 10x the
> > CPU of a service with one thread if CPU becomes limiting, assuming
> > equal niceness/etc.  On a multi-user system the same would apply to
> > the user running 100 processes vs 1.

Good catch, I forgot to mention that.

> > I also use cgroups to monitor memory use/etc at a service level.  
>  I don't have complex services (some might argue that very complex
> services are badly designed services, but I leave that discussion to
> pros). I only run single-user workstations.

A multi-threaded/multi-process daemon isn't particular a complex

> > Sure, they're somewhat optional, but they're a pretty useful kernel
> > feature.  
> No arguing there. Still, it shouldn't be pushed. It's a bad sign.

Well, I think the wording can be discussed. But I think it's not too
bad: The Gentoo newbie/noob will simple follow the warning, enable it,
and that results in a suggested configuration with all features
possible. It saves developers from figuring out unexpected problems
later. If you know better, go for it, with all the consequences that
has... ;-)


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