Am Montag, 1. Mai 2017, 21:37:32 CEST schrieb Kai Krakow:
> Am Mon, 1 May 2017 16:01:13 +0100
> schrieb Jorge Almeida <>:
> > > Sure, they're somewhat optional, but they're a pretty useful kernel
> > > feature.
> > 
> > No arguing there. Still, it shouldn't be pushed. It's a bad sign.

Really, I think you should try not to read too much into that, and instead 
maybe consider that it's just a boilerplate statement that is generated by a 
helper function in linux-info.eclass ;-) .

> Well, I think the wording can be discussed. But I think it's not too
> bad: The Gentoo newbie/noob will simple follow the warning, enable it,
> and that results in a suggested configuration with all features
> possible. It saves developers from figuring out unexpected problems
> later. If you know better, go for it, with all the consequences that
> has... ;-)

Yeah, I agree with this, though.  It should be possible to extend the helper 
function to generate a different message for strictly optional kernel 
features, for example.  However, perhaps it is simply the case that almost 
always the kernel features are a hard requirement, so that nobody has yet seen 
the need to extend it in such a way.  *shrugs*

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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