On Friday 04 December 2015 13:58:10 waltd...@waltdnes.org wrote:

> Speaking of console fonts, is there a 24 pixel-wide font available, or
> are there font-editors that can easily double or triple the width of a
> font?  I have a 1920x1080 monitor, and 8-pixel-wide fonts are unreadable
> with a 240-column-wide display.  I currently have...
> consolefont="sun12x22"

My monitor is 27" at 1920x1080. I don't know of a font 24 pixels wide - 
that's twice the width you and I are using; I have ter-122n from terminus-
fonts, which I find pleasant and legible. I tried the Sun fonts but disliked 
them. (That's putting it mildly!)

> ...in /etc/conf.d/consolefont.  Remember to run...
> rc-update add consolefont boot
> ...to make it take effect.  That's 160 columns across, and readable, but
> still too much.  A 24-pixel-wide font would give me 80 columns across.

That sounds to me too much like going backwards 25 years  :)


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