On Thursday 03 December 2015 18:38:02 Alan Mackenzie wrote: > I spent quite a long time playing with these programs back in September, > getting rid of that blasted zero stroke. Trouble was, if I got rid of > the whole stroke, it looked too much like a capital o, and if I got rid > of just the middle bit, there was a sort of "shadow S" going through the > whole character. > > On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 02:53:23PM +0000, Peter Humphrey wrote: > > Just an update in case anyone's interested. > > And from me: somehow, in the end, I never got round to installing any of > the fonts I so painfully crafted. So I am still stuck with that nasty > slash through the zero. One of these days, maybe .....
Ah, but I also made the zero narrower. I noticed that the original was asymmetrical, with a single column of empty pixels down the left side but two down the right. So I just shifted the left part of the character over by one pixel, which necessitated shortening the top and bottom by that amount. Et voila! Easily distinguished eight, zero and capital O, and aesthetically quite pleasing, to boot. It only took a couple of minutes. A question for Wabe: are you talking about X fonts? I've been working on console fonts on a machine that has no X or other GUI. It's bad enough that terminus-font needs a few X libraries, without going the whole hog. -- Rgds Peter