Hello, Peter.

On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 02:53:23PM +0000, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> Hello list,

> Some time ago I was looking for a console font whose zero had no diagonal 
> bar, because nowadays I find that makes it resemble an eight too closely.

It's horrible, isn't it?

> At the time I said I'd found a font editor called nafe, which had allowed me 
> to delete the offending bar. At the time I was prepared to put up with all 
> ASCII line characters being shown as ? marks - as used in many ncurses 
> applications like the kernel menuconfig. I assume the editor had truncated 
> the font file.

> Today I've revisited the problem and I've found a GTK font editor in the 
> portage tree which has allowed me to do a proper job. It's x11-misc/gbdfed, 
> which is simplicity itself to run. I wish I'd found it the first time! I'm a 
> happy bunny now.

I found another way of editing these fonts: media-gfx/psf-tools.  In
particular, it contains psf2txt, which converts a font to a readable and
editable representation, and txt2psf which converts the text file back
into a font.

I spent quite a long time playing with these programs back in September,
getting rid of that blasted zero stroke.  Trouble was, if I got rid of
the whole stroke, it looked too much like a capital o, and if I got rid
of just the middle bit, there was a sort of "shadow S" going through the
whole character.

> Just an update in case anyone's interested.

And from me: somehow, in the end, I never got round to installing any of
the fonts I so painfully crafted.  So I am still stuck with that nasty
slash through the zero.  One of these days, maybe .....

> -- 
> Rgds
> Peter

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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