Alan Mackenzie <> wrote:

> Hello, Peter.
> On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 02:53:23PM +0000, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> > Hello list,
> > Some time ago I was looking for a console font whose zero had no
> > diagonal bar, because nowadays I find that makes it resemble an
> > eight too closely.
> It's horrible, isn't it?
> > At the time I said I'd found a font editor called nafe, which had
> > allowed me to delete the offending bar. At the time I was prepared
> > to put up with all ASCII line characters being shown as ? marks -
> > as used in many ncurses applications like the kernel menuconfig. I
> > assume the editor had truncated the font file.
> > Today I've revisited the problem and I've found a GTK font editor
> > in the portage tree which has allowed me to do a proper job. It's
> > x11-misc/gbdfed, which is simplicity itself to run. I wish I'd
> > found it the first time! I'm a happy bunny now.
> I found another way of editing these fonts: media-gfx/psf-tools.  In
> particular, it contains psf2txt, which converts a font to a readable
> and editable representation, and txt2psf which converts the text file
> back into a font.
> I spent quite a long time playing with these programs back in
> September, getting rid of that blasted zero stroke.  Trouble was, if
> I got rid of the whole stroke, it looked too much like a capital o,
> and if I got rid of just the middle bit, there was a sort of "shadow
> S" going through the whole character.
> > Just an update in case anyone's interested.
> And from me: somehow, in the end, I never got round to installing any
> of the fonts I so painfully crafted.  So I am still stuck with that
> nasty slash through the zero.  One of these days, maybe .....

I'm using "Droid Sans Mono Slashed" as base font and for my eyes, its
slashed zero doesn't look like an eight.
But if you don't like the slash, there is also a "Droid Sans Mono 
Dotted" and also a plain "Droid Sans Mono" without any "0-Extensions".

There is another monotype font that is maybe interesting for you. It's
called "Source Code Pro". But be warned, it has a dotted zero. ;-)


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