On 2013-08-19 19:05, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:

<snipped a whole lot of bollocks>

I'm beginning to think you are a troll since you consistently
misinterpret what I'm trying to say. This is the last thing I will say
in this matter: Your "technical arguments" are bogus. Yes, I agree that
my point is moot since I don't have the time or resources to steer
Gentoo/Linux in a direction that I would like to see so I guess "put up
or shut up" is appropriate... But if I remember correctly someone else
(i.e. you) on this list a while ago was whining about "systemd is not
supported"... So I reserve the right to whine about it as well. A hint
for the future: Try to get off your high horse!


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