On Mon, Aug 05, 2013 at 09:18:38PM +0100, Neil Bothwick wrote
> On Mon, 05 Aug 2013 10:24:27 -0400, Tanstaafl wrote:
> > > But there's not a lot of point as eudev isn't that different to udev
> > > now, AFAICT, and a recent update forced me to switch back to udev
> > > because eudev hadn't been updated (on ~amd64).  
> > 
> > Can you elaborate on what this update was that forced you to go back to 
> > regular udev? 
> I can't remember what it was now, and it may have been avoidable by
> making virtual/udev-206 (or whichever version it was that needed a higher
> udev version than eudev could provide). It's moot now as eudev has been
> updated and portage is happy again, but it would be a concern if this
> happened regularly.

  I ran into this.  Here is what I think happened...

- I specified "sys-fs/eudev-1.2-r1-beta ~amd64" (or something similar)
  in my /etc/portage/package.keywords file
- I ran "emerge --sync".  On that particular day, it removed the beta
  version ebuild, and replaced it with eudev-1.2.ebuild
- "emerge --changed-use --deep --update @world" could no longer find an
  unmasked version of sys-fs/eudev that satisfied virtual/udev.  So it
  fell back to a version of sys-fs/udev
- My workaround, *UNTIL SUCH TIME AS EUDEV HITS STABLE AMD64*, is...
<sys-fs/eudev-9999 ~amd64
  in my /etc/portage/package.keywords file.

  This specifies to accept the highest ebuild number that is smaller
than 9999 (the "bleeding edge" version).

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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