On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Ok, rehashing this, but please don't turn it into another udev vs systemd
> thread.
> I have an older server that I have been putting off this update, debating on
> whether to update to the regular udev, or to eudev.
> I've googled until my fingers are blue, but cannot for the life of me find
> any explicit instructions for *how* to switch from udev to eudev.
> The eudev project page is sparse, to say the least.
> Anyone?

(I haven't done it myself, but...) I assume one would simply unmerge
sys-fs/udev and emerge sys-fs/eudev and then do any configuration file
changes necessary. virtual/udev covers the possibility of using either
package. Unless you're asking more about the configuration changes
themselves, in which case I have no idea.

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