On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 02:10:28PM +0200, Nuno J. Silva wrote:
> No, actually it doesn't. It just has the same kind of very generic claim
> that has been repeated several times in this thread (which is "why?
> because it won't work") and links to an article that explains why some
> udev rules would silently fail for all this time (for *years* now, I'd
> guess). 
> The article does not describe a change introduced with 181, it describes
> what already happened with previous versions. I am not using >= 181 and
> I do see the issues the article mentions (it does not break here because
> I do not have a separate /usr, but I can see some rules that use stuff
> from /usr).

You have such an obvious lack of understanding, and problem comprehending
English, we just don't need to post to you anymore. ;)
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