On 2012-12-24, Michael Mol wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 24, 2012 at 10:06 AM, Nuno J. Silva <nunojsi...@ist.utl.pt> wrote:
>> On 2012-12-24, Dale wrote:
>>> From my understanding, if I upgrade my system to the later version of
>>> udev and bypass the init system, my system will not boot.  I have not
>>> tested the theory but that is what people have been saying.  Not only is
>>> my /usr separate but it is on LVM partitons too.
>> Your problem would be LVM (if that's an issue at all, as I said I don't
>> know LVM), you'd not need udevd to mount /usr if it were a regular
>> partition.
> "you wouldn't have this problem if you did *something else*" is a
> terrible response. There are very good reasons to use LVM. There are
> good (IMO, at least) reasons to avoid using an initr* on Gentoo.
> (Those reasons are sprinkled through the thread, some spoken by me,
> some spoken by others.)

A shame that was not what I meant at all, the only thing I said was
"yes, the problem is probably caused by it being on LVM, not because of
/usr being separate". Just pointing the specific part of Dale's config
that would be the problem.

> You'll find most of the people in the discussion so far aren't against
> initr* in all cases. It's the increase in number of cases where it
> becomes technically required that's a problem.

Nuno Silva (aka njsg)

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