Musl is ment to be an alternative to libc. Some of the hardened folks
(perverts ;->) are interested to make it work on Hardened Gentoo. But musl
itself is not necessary hardened per se. You've linked the Hardened
project subpage. The package maintainer happens to be a hardened developer
(blueness). So your message probably reaches him. But it's not the optimal
channel. So what pageexec tried to advise, is to open a bug in the gentoo
bug tracking system and attach your patches and diffs to the bug. But I
still suggest to attach a single diff per file. And don't try to use diff
as a version control system. Specify sys-libs/musl in the title and the
description and it will reach the maintainer of the package, will probably
got assigned to him.

dr Tóth Attila, Radiológus, 06-20-825-8057
Attila Toth MD, Radiologist, +36-20-825-8057

2014.November 15.(Szo) 06:25 időpontban daggs ezt írta:
> Greetings,
>> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 at 11:52 PM
>> From: "PaX Team" <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [gentoo-hardened] [PATCH] fix sys-process/cronie
>> compilation under gentoo+musl
>> On 14 Nov 2014 at 22:05, "Tóth Attila" wrote:
>> > I would suggest to attach the responsible patch of the missing define
>> only
>> > and the necessary diff of a given ebuild file. That two files could be
>> > enough, I guess.
>> yes and probably choose a better list and/or open a bugzilla entry as i
>> doubt
>> this is hardened related at all ;).
> not sure I understand the latter, this is a issue that is caused by
> running gentoo atop of musl, according to this wiki page,
> I should send the
> patches to this list.
> am I wrong?

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