
> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 at 11:05 PM
> From: "Tóth Attila" <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-hardened] [PATCH] fix sys-process/cronie compilation 
> under gentoo+musl
> It's hard to spot the missing define in your patch, which includes a
> complete list of files of a whole package. Most of the material is
> consumed by the Changelog, tl;dr.
> Do you mean these two?
> +#include <limits.h>
> +/* match gnu to posix */
> I would suggest to attach the responsible patch of the missing define only
> and the necessary diff of a given ebuild file. That two files could be
> enough, I guess.
> The same suggestions goes for the previous offer.
so the right way to do this is to add the fix patch, a patch that modifies an 
existing ebuild and if the ebuild is not present in the musl branch I should 
mentioned that?

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