W dniu nie, 03.12.2017 o godzinie 14∶06 -0800, użytkownik Matt Turner
> On Sat, Dec 2, 2017 at 3:18 PM, Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > The problems of more abusive behavior from some of the mailing list
> > members have been reported to ComRel numerous times. After the failure
> > of initial enforcement, I'm not aware of ComRel doing anything to solve
> > the problem. The main arguments I've heard from ComRel members were:
> > 
> > A. Bans can be trivially evaded, and history proves that those evasions
> > create more noise than leaving the issue as is.
> That's absurd. "We shouldn't enforce rules because people can break the rules"
> > B. People should be allowed to express their opinion [even if it's pure
> > hate speech that carries no value to anyone].
> That's absurd. There's no reason to have to tolerate non-constructive
> conversation on our own mailing lists. Classify it as off topic. We
> tell people their posts are off topic for a particular mailing list
> all the time.
> > C. The replies of Gentoo developers were worse [no surprise that people
> > lose their patience after being attacked for a few months].
> That's absurd. You have to look at where the problem starts to fix it,
> not engage in whataboutism.
> > The alternative suggested by ComRel pretty much boiled down to 'ignore
> > the trolls'. While we can see this is actually starting to happen right
> > now (even the most determined developers stopped replying), this doesn't
> > really solve the problem because:
> That's absurd. The whole point of bringing problems to ComRel is so
> they can solve it. Telling people to deal with it is explicitly not
> solving the problem.
> The Gentoo community (not just the developers) would stand to benefit
> from a capable and competent ComRel team. It's very sad that we don't
> have that.
> Unfortunately, my experience is much the same as yours. ComRel
> explicitly refused to act when a bug reporter was repeatedly abusive,
> instead arguing that he didn't do anything wrong and that I shouldn't
> be so offended. Even the user disagreed with ComRel, apologizing and
> saying that his own behavior was out of line when I confronted him.
> That's absurd.

I have to formally point out that during this Council's term we haven't
had a single complaint about actions (or lack thereof) of ComRel.

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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