On 12/04/2017 01:51 PM, William L. Thomson Jr. wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Dec 2017 13:15:32 +0000
> "M. J. Everitt" <m.j.ever...@iee.org> wrote:
>> On 04/12/17 00:37, Matt Turner wrote:
>>> A user requested I forward this information to the mailing list:
>>> http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Publication%20Files/16-057_d45c0b4f-fa19-49de-8f1b-4b12fe054fea.pdf
>>> https://goo.gl/42A8v7 (short URL of the same)
>>> ... and was itself cited a dozen or times:
>>> https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=5443947091657980238
>>> https://goo.gl/obvdzh (short URL of the same)
> Anyone paying any attention to current events?  Quite many business and
> governments have gone out of their way to protect and hide the actions
> of abusers. In most causes because they were money makers. I think that
> may contradict the article entirely.
1) harvard business school research publication, not an "article"
2) if things don't change, I'll be one of the people to quit.
3) gentoo already has documented instances of people leaving.

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