On 9 February 2016 at 16:09, Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> There will always be a
> "poppyseed linux" whose purpose in life seems to be to preserve linux
> without sysfs or some other obscure practice.

This seems to be an attempt at painting the "stick with eudev" model
as an "old fogies who are afraid of change".

I think a better characterisation is that this is a battle of
simplicity vs complexity[1]

A pure udev system is in comparison, much simpler than a systemd system.

And that's much of the beauty of OpenRC. Its simple, it achieves the
same goals as Systemd and Upstart, etc, but does so with a lot less
mechanics under the hood, and doesn't clutter up systems with features
you don't need prematurely.

And there are great benefits from simplicity over complexity.

And a lot of Gentoo is surprisingly simple: Like our use of bash
scripts for recipies to build things, like using rsync to deploy/relay
not just those recipies, but security notices and  news items, which
are themselves reasonably simple formats.

LFS and Slackware also seem to be platforms that leverage a lot of
"Simplicity" in the way of offering you only the basics you need to
get things done. They're not *easy* to use if you're a novice, but the
systems themselves are simple.

Thus, its not /merely/ a preference if a tool does things you don't need to do.

Because "I don't need a login daemon" is not a "Preference", its an
objective analysis of the systems requirements.

The only preference I see here is the preference to not have and
install things your system has no use for, which I find an odd
preference to be complaining about, and depending on your system
requirements, that may also be not so much "preference".

1: Related Viewing: http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Simple-Made-Easy

KENTNL - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL

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