On 02/05/2016 04:34 PM, Kent Fredric wrote:
> On 6 February 2016 at 10:10, Michael Orlitzky <m...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> How about, if there's (exactly) one portage-compatible atom
>> in the summary and that package has (exactly) one maintainer, we
>> auto-assign it? Otherwise, leave it to the bug wranglers.
> One of my conceptual misgivings is in practice, there's a lot more to
> bug wrangling than that.
> In the last 6 months, here are a list of bugs that were never
> reassigned from bugwranglers, and were closed due to being invalid,
> incomplete, or duplicate.
> All of these bugs would be now assigned to the individual bug maintainers.
> And I see that as a sizeable quality regression.

Some of those were closed WORKSFORME when maybe the maintainer would
have recognized the problem that the user is seeing (auto-assign would
be an *improvement*). Others were closed by the user when he realized
his error (no regression there). Then there are the ones that were
closed by the maintainer/project, but never reassigned. No regression
there either.

There are also some that would have wound up assigned to the wrong
person, like 573846. But your list isn't a long list of regressions --
many would be an improvement or no change.

You also have to take into consideration how many of them have a valid
package atom in the summary, and how many of those would have exactly
one maintainer. That's a very-sub subset of the full list.

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