On 02/05/2016 03:47 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> The main problem I see with auto-assignment is that some asignees end
> up being black holes for bugs.  If two active devs get their bugs
> crossed it isn't a big deal since they'll just reassign them to each
> other.  If an active dev gets their bug assigned to an inactive dev,
> they might never hear about it.

We already trust users to tell us what went wrong and put bugs in the
right component. I think we can trust the package atom if one exists in
the summary. How about, if there's (exactly) one portage-compatible atom
in the summary and that package has (exactly) one maintainer, we
auto-assign it? Otherwise, leave it to the bug wranglers.

That's easy and won't create any problems we don't already have.

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