On 6 February 2016 at 07:19, Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> 'd be all for automated bug assignment.  Usually when this comes up a
> bunch of hero bug wranglers step up and say it isn't needed, because
> we have hero bug wranglers.  As long as people keep stepping up to do
> that I'm not going to tell them that they can't.  However, if the bug
> queue ever does go out of control I'd be all for just auto-assigning
> them.  If they rarely get assigned to the wrong people, then they can
> just reassign them.  And nothing stops us from having a bugzilla query
> for "new bugs filed in last 24h" for people who want to take a quick
> look at recent bugs for trends or to help clean them up across
> projects.

Hm, or alternatively, you could have a scheme where things defaulted
in the bug queue, and were auto-assigned where possible after no
feedback for a time, or maybe it would be defaulted only when the
queue is over a certain size.

At least that way the hero's can provide as much quality as they like,
and if they get tired and stop triaging bugs, a sensible fallback
that's not perfect can fill the gaps.


KENTNL - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL

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