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On 11/02/2013 11:03 AM, Michał Górny wrote:
> Dnia 2013-11-02, o godz. 14:51:26
> Tom Wijsman <tom...@gentoo.org> napisał(a):
>> On Sat, 02 Nov 2013 09:16:45 -0400
>> "Anthony G. Basile" <bluen...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>> This is a followup to a discussion on IRC yesterday regarding
>>> breakage that's occurring to catalyst builds as a result of the
>>> recent move from dev-python/python-exec to dev-lang/python-exec.
>> This has been happening to users as well, for example:
>> http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-973998.html
>> http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-974412.html
>> To move forward and get this resolved, some questions:
>> 1. Has this been resolved for users? Do they just need to sync?
>> 2. If not resolved for users, what is the best temporary workaround?
>> 3. Are you able to fix this? Do you need help to fix this?
>> 4. Depending on the nature of the fix: Would a news item be needed?
> From what I heard, most of people get this working through a plain:
>   emerge -Du @world
> If someone is really reluctant to world updates, it is enough to
> upgrade dev-python/python-exec to 10000.*:
>   emerge -1v dev-python/python-exec
> I was considering writing a news item for it but we discussed it on IRC
> and decided that users are really expected to be able to handle
> themselves, especially wrt to:
> 1. using 'emerge -Du @world' to upgrade their systems,
> 2. reading the blocker output to see that it states
> '<dev-python/python-exec-10000' -> which suggests: what if I upgrade to
> 10000?
> If you believe that a news item would be helpful, I'm happy to write
> it. Just please make sure that we're all in agreement over the method
> of handling the issue.

A news item isn't enough for breaking autobuilds.  If we can't find a
way to do this properly so portage knows how to upgrade then it is being
done WRONG.

Autobuilds break, gentoo can't be installed, the distro dies.  I know,
sounds like I'm making something out of nothing but every time people
look at the stages and notice they are months out of date we find
another blog post announcing how gentoo is dead.

Honestly, if I knew a way to fix this I would have already made any
changes needed to fix it.  Please fix this, because if you don't,
eventually I'll find a way and I doubt you will like it.

- -Zero
> Additionally, the news item would state how to get rid of the old deps.
> This will presumably involve something like:
>   emerge -1v $( qdepends -NCQ dev-python/python-exec )
> Please note that 'equery d' from gentoolkit is currently broken due to
> some random magic inside portage and doesn't list all the packages
> correctly.
> However, for the latter it would be probably preferred to wait with it
> till python-exec:2 is stable on all arches to avoid rebuilding packages
> twice in a short time.

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