Hi everyone,

This is a followup to a discussion on IRC yesterday regarding breakage that's occurring to catalyst builds as a result of the recent move from dev-python/python-exec to dev-lang/python-exec. The commit of the later were pushed into the tree with all KEYWORDS marked stable using repoman --force [1]. In catalyst runs where stage1's are built from stage3's this leads to the following blockage:

    [ebuild N ] sys-devel/automake-1.13.4 to /tmp/stage1root/
[ebuild N ] sys-fs/eudev-1.1 to /tmp/stage1root/ USE="-doc -gudev -hwdb -introspection -keymap -kmod -modutils -openrc -rule-generator (-selinux) -static-libs {-test}" [ebuild N ] virtual/udev-200 to /tmp/stage1root/ USE="-gudev -hwdb -introspection -keymap -kmod (-selinux) -static-libs" [blocks B ] <dev-python/python-exec-10000 ("<dev-python/python-exec-10000" is blocking dev-lang/python-exec-0.3.1)

I was only able to solve this by manually chrooting and running the following

    emerge --unmerge python-exec
    ROOT=/ emerge dev-lang/python-exec

I have to do this on 12 stage3's which is work.

Can I please ask the python team to be more careful and announce such commits beforehand so they can be assessed by the community.

[1] http://sources.gentoo.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/python-exec/ChangeLog?view=log

Anthony G. Basile, Ph.D.
Gentoo Linux Developer [Hardened]
E-Mail    : bluen...@gentoo.org
GnuPG FP  : 1FED FAD9 D82C 52A5 3BAB  DC79 9384 FA6E F52D 4BBA
GnuPG ID  : F52D4BBA

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