>> That did it, but there's more trouble.  g-cpan strikes again?
>>>>> Configuring source in 
>>>>> /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/local-lib-1.008004/work/local-lib-1.008004 ...
> For local-lib, you're best trying using the copy in the
> perl-experimental overlay.  If that doesn't work either, then why the
> sandbox violation is occurring needs looked at.

I switched local-lib from the g-cpan one to the perl-experimental one
and all is well as far as installation all the way through
Net-Braintree.  Thank you very much for sticking with me on this guys.

May I ask why you force the g-cpan category to dev-perl?

To what extent is running ebuilds from perl-experimental a safe endeavor?

Should Net-Braintree or any of the ebuilds I had g-cpan trouble with
be eligible for inclusion in the main tree or perl-experimental?

Thanks again,

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