>> DateTime-Format-RFC3339
> Ah. The dreaded v-strings.
> You'll note: http://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/I/IK/IKEGAMI/
> That there is a "v" before the version specifier in the problem dist,
> and the portage ebuild has not factored this into the equation, and is
> looking for DateTime-Format-RFC3339-1.0.5.tar.gz     when it should be
> looking for DateTime-Format-RFC3339-v1.0.5.tar.gz
> If you can edit the ebuild source to solve this issue, and then re-run
> repoman manifest, that might help. But at least we now know what is
> happening wrong with g-cpan.
> In editing, you'll be wanting to look for varibles ( mostly in SRC_URI
> and I think S )  which use "${PV}" and change it to use "v${PV}"
> instead.

These ebuilds don't seem to have any of those variables:

# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# This ebuild generated by g-cpan 0.16.4



inherit perl-module

DESCRIPTION="Parse and format RFC3339 datetime strings"

LICENSE="|| ( Artistic GPL-1 GPL-2 GPL-3 )"
KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 amd64-fbsd arm hppa ia64 m68k mips ppc ppc64
s390 sh sparc sparc-fbsd x86 x86-fbsd   ppc-aix x86-freebsd
x64-freebsd sparc64-freebsd hppa-hpux ia64-hpux x86-interix
amd64-linux arm-linux ia64-linux ppc64-linux x86-linux ppc-macos
x86-macos x64-macos m68k-mint x86-netbsd ppc-openbsd x86-openbsd
x64-openbsd sparc-solaris sparc64-solaris x64-solaris x86-solaris
x86-winnt x86-cygwin"


- Grant

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