>> Hello, is anyone interested in writing a Perl ebuild for this payment module: >> http://search.cpan.org/dist/Net-Braintree/ > Use g-cpan. > > g-cpan -g Net::Braintree > > It will generate packages for the module and all needed deps > (DateTime-Format-RFC3339, DateTime-Format-Atom, > Module-Install-TestTarget, Hash-Inflator, local-lib, URI-Query).
Thanks, I gave that a try and it did a bunch of stuff but when I try to emerge Net-Braintree I get: >>> Verifying ebuild manifests !!! A file is not listed in the Manifest: '/var/lib/layman/moonrise/perl-gcpan/DateTime-Format-RFC3339/DateTime-Format-RFC3339-1.0.5.ebuild' !!! A file is not listed in the Manifest: '/var/lib/layman/moonrise/perl-gcpan/DateTime-Format-Atom/DateTime-Format-Atom-1.0.2.ebuild' I noticed that g-cpan put all of the ebuilds it generated in: /var/lib/layman/moonrise/perl-gcpan Is that the right place for them? - Grant