>> Thanks, I gave that a try and it did a bunch of stuff but when I try >> to emerge Net-Braintree I get: > that's weird. it did generate all of them fine here > which version of g-cpan?
I've tried with g-cpan-0.16.2 and 0.16.4 with the same results: >>> Verifying ebuild manifests !!! A file is not listed in the Manifest: '/usr/local/portage/dev-perl/DateTime-Format-RFC3339/DateTime-Format-RFC3339-1.0.5.ebuild' !!! A file is not listed in the Manifest: '/usr/local/portage/dev-perl/DateTime-Format-Atom/DateTime-Format-Atom-1.0.2.ebuild' I've tried several times with some config variations but always with the above error when trying to emerge. >> I noticed that g-cpan put all of the ebuilds it generated in: >> /var/lib/layman/moonrise/perl-gcpan >> Is that the right place for them? > the default is the last overlay in your config. i suggest looking at the > docs and forcing it to your own overlay, and forcing category to > dev-perl. I've done that but with the above results: GCPAN_OVERLAY="/usr/local/portage" GCPAN_CAT="dev-perl" I've never had very good luck with g-cpan. I thought there were a lot of dev-perl ebuilds in portage for CPAN modules and that g-cpan was for those that hadn't been added to portage yet? - Grant